Hello all! Welcome to the new website. If I do this correctly we should have a blog post that doesn’t look entirely terrible. *crosses fingers*

I have been hard at work on both the final touches for the upcoming June release of The Ghosts of Trappist and the draft of the fourth NeoG book (at the moment it has been titled And the Mighty Will Fall, but I suspect that will change because I still don’t think it’s quite what I’m looking for). If you’re following me anywhere on social media you know that one of those things was easier than the other.

Things are going better though and I’m looking forward to the second half of this draft with less trepidation than the first half. I’m also very excited about some upcoming things, so be sure to stay tuned!

By request, image of the commission I had done of my favorite space disaster besties.

Drawing of Max and Jenks of the NeoG, Jenks is a shorter woman with blue/green temple shave who's wrapping her wrists for a fight. Her boots are messy and unlaced. Max is a taller woman pulling her curly brown hair back with a scrunchy, her white shirt and blue pants are neat as well as her boots. Behind the pair in gold is the logo of the NeoG and the background is a pale greenish color.

Art of Max and Jenks by the amazing Valentine Barker (art not for distribution)